Please note below our alumni who have offered to act as an ambassador to support our 150th year activities and events.
The role of the Ambassador is to engage your rugby year/ years at university to go on our database, to support the 150th events and activities.
If you would like to become an ambassador for your years and help OUR 150th be the best - please contact Keaysie (keaysie@hotmail.co.uk). Please see current ambassadors here:
1960's Leavers
-Lawrence Toye (1966/67)
- Mike Mckenzie ( 1967/68)
1970's Leavers
- Geoffrey Simpson (1971/72)
- Andy Bulmer (1971/72)
·- Ian Bell (1972/73)
- Terry Roberts (1972/73)
- Gordon Wood (1974/75)
- Chris Kelly (1975/76)
- Kim Norkett (1977/78)
1980's Leavers
- Pete Dewey (1980/81)
- John Ellison (1981/82)
- Daniel Keating (1983/84)
-Jon Keating (1985/86)
- Andy Mullins (1986/87)
- Jim Turley (1987/88)
- Nick Thompson (1988/89)
- Phil De Glanville (1989/90)
1990's Leavers
- Chris Keey (1990/91)
- James Kennedy (1992/93)
- Tim Stimpton (1993/94)
- Richard Moffat (1994/95)
- Angus Macdonald (1996/97)
- Nathan Smith (1997/98)
- Dan Yardley (1998/99)
- Tom Jackson (1999/00)
- Chris Ward (1999/00)
2000 Leavers
- Chris Brain (2000/02)
- Ben Woods (2003/04)
- Richard Campbell (2005/06)
- Frank Keenan (2006/07)
2010 Leavers
- Rob Malaney (2010/11)
- Josh Bayford (2011/12)
- Joe Binns (2011/12)
- Josh Beaumont (2012/13)
- Tom Yaxley (2012/13)
- Jack Walkden (2015/16)
- Ali Neden (2016/17)
- Elliott Manley (2017/18)
- Joe Burdis (2018/19)
2020 Leavers
- Ben Fowles (2019/20)
- Rhys Belcher (2021/22)
- Freddie Davies (2021/22)
- Harry Craven (2022/23)
- Ollie Kershaw (2023/24)