1875 CLUB
We invite you to join our 1875 club an exclusive membership for Durham University RFC Alumni, supporters, and families.
This is the most important Club and Alumni project leading to the Durham University Rugby Clubs SESQUICENTENNIAL / 150th anniversary in 2025 and reflects a determination and promise to all past, current and future Durham University rugby members to maintain our standards of excellence.
DURFC were BUCS Super Rugby Champions back to back in 2020-21 and 2021-22 and BUCS National 7s Champions for the last three tournaments. DURFC run 5 teams all in their highest leagues and over the last 3 years have raised over 3 100K for local and national charities and communities.
An incredible success story that would not have been achieved without the support of the 1875 Club, and we are determined to ensure the Club stays at the top of university rugby.
The 1875 does not cover the day to day costs of the Club – the membership funds enable the Club to provide the best support it can.
Recently we purchased GPS systems costing over £7000 giving the club a leading edge in technology support. The 1875 club has enabled the Club to bring in the best Medical and S&C support ensuring the players get the best platform available to succeed.The fund has supported hardship cases with some of our students who are struggling with their living costs through no fault of their own.
Remember the great friends, times, memories and success stories you had with DURFC . Please help by joining the 1875 Club today - all this for less than 30p a day.

Joining the 1875 Club gives you:
150th Year - Front and centre with priority to all 150th activities and events including the 150th Dinners and May Jubilee invitation match tickets
Be part of the DURFC rugby family by providing key support to the Club
Free 1875 monthly draw
Regular Newsletters and communications keeping you involved in the club by delivering you the latest results, highlights and interviews from our matches, success stories involving the club, new incentives and any charity initiatives we are working on.
New ventures such as Alumni business networking, a members only club shop, social events, dinners and of course the development of a weekend of rugby to celebrate the life of Fergus King MBE.
In addition to the benefits above, you will also be entered into the monthly prize draw with a chance to win cash prizes.
Every month on or near to the 19th of every month.
The draw and winners will be put on the 1875 / 150th website www.durfc1875.com and the new Alumni / 150th website every month and all winners we be notified by email.
1st Prize £100
2nd Prize £50
3rd Prize £25

To make this payment, please set up a standing order to the bank account below with your Surname / 1875 as the reference:
NAME Durham University RFC Old Boys
SORT CODE 30-99-80
PAYMENT £ 10pcm
REFERENCE Your Surname followed by 1875
Please email keaysie@hotmail.co.uk when you have set this up
Once again, we really appreciate your ongoing support of the club.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at the email listed below.
Thank you for your support.
Keaysie and all of the Durham University Rugby club